Personal Development For Entrepreneurs
The IDG Entrepreneurs Network is a network for ambitious impact entrepreneurs that believe in the significance of personal development for scaling up their business to serve a better world.
The Inner Development Goals (IDGs) is a research backed framework for practical personal development.
Unleashing business potential starts with unleashing personal potential.
The IDG Entrepreneurs Network is a community that organises events to meet up, to exchange ideas and to share knowledge and experience.
Personal, Practical, Profound.
Outcomes that you can expect:
- shared relevant and actionable content by expert speakers
- practice experience sharing in a safe way
- impact forums for activating collective intelligence
- practical cases to learn from
- speakers that share inspiring education and practical tools
Example of specific situations
-> Facilitating Collective Intelligence (=use case, = real world challenge)
-> IDGs involved:
Dealing with unpredictability
- Communication skills: to be clear and precise and listen to the other
- Trust: required to take relationships to the next level of depth
- Mobilisation Skills: inspiring others to engage
Developing a clear ‘just’ cause
- Perspective skills: actively making use of other perspectives
- Long-term orientation and visioning: painting a clear picture of the future
Assembling the right people
- Connectedness: feeling part of something bigger than yourself
- Humilty: knowing where the I is helpful and where not
Working successfully together
- Communication skills: to be clear and precise and listen to the other
- Trust: required to take relationships to the next level of depth
- Mobilisation Skills: inspiring others to engage
Acting and experimenting to grow and renew
- Courage: to share vulnerable stories and insights
“Études heeft ons duizenden uren werk bespaard en inzichten opgeleverd die we nooit voor mogelijk hadden gehouden.”
Annie Steiner
CEO, Greenprint
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